Making Messy Jobs Easier with UltraGrime Wipes

(Reading time: 2 - 4 minutes)

Not too long ago, we were given a pack of garage wipes from UltraGrime.

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Detailing tips with Miles Drive

(Reading time: 3 - 5 minutes)
Detailing tips
Here is our 1st in a series of detailing tips from Miles Drive, to help you detail and protect your car - 
Scenario:- Dirty vehicle, not been washed for around four weeks (sometime longer!) and your struggling to remember it’s true colour….so where do we start?
Well I recommend starting with the wheels, why? Brake dust and road grime builds up here the most (if your one 
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Paul Dolden Details car detailing tips

(Reading time: 2 - 3 minutes)

Ever wondered how show cars get the shine and achieve flawless paintwork? Or how some wheels look like they should be in a showroom rather than on a daily whip or even the best way to clean and wax your car? These are detailing questions we ask ourselves day in day out - Well we caught up with Paul Dolden Details to ask him some questions on the best detailing tips, and keeping your cars the way they should look.

You can check out Paul Dolden Details to give you the latest car detailing tips, there's also a little about how Paul got into the business.

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