(Reading time: 3 - 6 minutes)

Citroen timeline

A documented timeline of the French cars achievements from 1919 to present day, this timeline outlines release dates of specific Citroen cars, including descriptions of each model.
1919 - 1921 Type A

B2 Torpedo von 1920

1919 : 1st production car released with a 1327cc, 18 bhp 68 km/h ts.
1920 : Best selling Torpedo 4. The A, 1st french & European built car on a large scale. American production techniques on the european continent. 20,000 cars built.
1921 : Torpedo Sport released, 1452cc, 22hp, 75 km/h. 1st to use overhead valves.
1922 : A was replaced by the B2.
1922 - 1925 Type B2
1922 : B2 released, instant hit. The publicity due to fuel consumption races & taxi fleet.
1923 : Normande introduced Caddy featuring 22 hp 90 km/h replaces Torpedo sport.
1924 : Caddy production ends.
1925 : The B2 replaced by the B10.
1922 - 1926 Type C,C2,C3
1922 : The C, cloverleaf released, summer 1922 onwards. 856cc, 11hp, 69 km/h top speed. The Torpedo 2 was bright yellow AKA The Citroen Lemon.
1923 : The C Cabriolet 2 places renamed the C2.
1924 : Torpedo 3 C2 renamed the C3.
1925 : The Torpedo 3 adopts the name Trefle which translates to Cloverleaf.
1926 : Torpedo 2 dropped, C3 dropped in 1926 more economical, B10 chosen.
1925-1928 Type B10,B12,B14 - B10 - B12 1926 - B14
1927-1928 - Torpedo models change from horizontal to curved.
1925 : The B10 introduced.
1926 : The B10 replaced by the Citroen B12.
1927 : The B10 replaced by the B14 running a 1538cc, 22 hp, top speed 80 km/h). The B14F released featuring Westinghouse servo brakes as standard.
1928 : B14G replaces B14 and B14F. Conduite Interieure cars now have a curved roof and Westinghouse brake system.
1929-1932 Type C4,C6 - C4 - C6
1929 : Introduction of the AC4 also called C4 running a 1628cc, 30 hp (40% increase), topspeed 90 km/h. AC6 or C6, a 6 cylinder, 2442cc, 45 hp engine capable of 105 km/h.
1930 :C4 replaced by the C4 III or C4 NT. The C6 replaced by C6F which now uses 5 wheels bolts covered by a small hubcap.
1931 : The C4 renamed C4F, uprated engine and shocks, predecessor of "Moteur Flottant", available as the C4 F Large which has increased track width. The C6F release Grand Luxe running a 2650cc, 53 hp, 110km/h top speed.
1932 : Citroen C4 renamed C4G now runs a 1767cc, 32 hp, 95 km/h topspeed. The C6F is replaced by C6G.
April cars now fitted with Floating Power engine suspension, cars are now renamed to C4G M.F.P. , C4G Grand Luxe M.F.P. , C6G M.F.P. , C6G Speciale M.F.P. (MFP - Moteur Floating Power).
1933 : The C series is replaced by the Rosalie.
1933 - 1938 - Légère - Grand luxe - Berline - Conduite interieure - Familiale - commerciale
Citroen Rosalie van
This design originated from the racing Petite Rosalie, achiever of many sprint, speed & long distance records.
A car and van ahead of its time, using aerodynamics in the cars design. The 8 was released in 1933, all the aerodynamics and design were improved, and the vehicle was renamed NH (nouvelle habilage) in 1934. A Torsion bar was added, giving the French manufacturer a lead over its competitors.
1934 - 1957 Faux cabriolet (coupé) - Berline - Limousine - Familiale - Traction Avant 7, 11L, 11, 15, 22
Was this to be Citroëns most revolutionary car of its time?
It was a mass produced car including unitary construction, front wheel drive, Independent double wishbone front suspension, front and rear torsion bars and modern aerodynamics, it was even lower than other auto's and featured perfect weight distribution.
1948 The 2CV a car that remained in production from 1948-1990
This Citroen car was developed for the alpine valleys & back roads of France, for the french farmer who didn't want to remove their hat and needed a car capable of travelling across ploughed fields and cobbled tracks with a tray of eggs without breaking any, comfortably and of course as little maintenance as possible.
Bear in mind this vehicle as seen as a symbol of peace and is seen as Green, it could not be farther from the truth. It gives way more CO2 than many gas guzzlers.
Take a look at the 2 CV
1968 - 1983 Dyane
Another great car the was the Dyane, however this ceased production in 1983.
1968 - 1987 Mehari
This little 2 CV jeep was released in 1968 and was produced till 1987, the Mehari had a plastic body and ran a 602cc engine.
1961 - 1978 Ami 6, 8, Super and M35
The Ami was a comfortable 2cv with a stronger body. April 1961 1st Ami 6 appears.
1970 - 1975 - Citroen SM Sport engineered by Maserati
A deal was compiled in 1968 which produce one of the fastest cars the world would see The GT. The french manufactuer bought a large part of Maserati stock, this was the first stage. There idea was to fit Citroën parts to Maserati cars, and the best bit Maserati had the job of engineering the engine for the GT car - The Citroen SM became the fastest front wheel drive car in the world at that time.
SM Sport Maserati
DS and ID 1955-1975 - Berline - Break - Cabriolet
Introduced in 1956 the DS 19. The car ran till it ceased production in 1975.
GS and GSA 1970-1986 - Berline - Birotor Berline - Break - Service
The GS was a revolutionary car it was 1 of the first cars to combine luxury and comfort in a mid range car.
1987 Saw the whole GSA range cease production.
CX 1974-1991
The CX replaced the DS. Although the previous car was very comfortable and a joy to drive, the CX is at a better auto and more modern. In some countries it is is known as the Safari.
1991 - 2006
These years brought many new models including the Visa back in the late 80's early 90's then followed on by the AX, and of course the Saxo Era replaced the AXGT and the latest Craze.
The C Craze the C1 , C2, C3
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