The Latest Car reviews

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The EV is renowned as being one of the best EV's on the market, and this is only likely to increase with the release of the 100D Model S and Model X. 
The 100D has the longest range for an electric vehicle available in today's market. It has an NEDC Range of 351 miles for the Model X and a staggering 393 miles for the Model S.
The 100D adds to phenomenal driving experience, with Tesla's industry leading safety features, four wheel drive, and auto pilot. 
It's no surprise that in Germany, the Model  S has been named Best Car of the Year for the third year running and breaking news the Model S 100D now holds the record of the fastest 0-60 in the world a staggering 2.28 seconds and can perform a 1/4 mile sprint in 10.5 seconds.


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